is translated in english language. the english translation is published by Claire (trans-alliance project) here. Thank you, Claire!
The stuttgart declaration is important for german transsexual (TS) / transgender people (TG) and underlines the human rights of them. TS/TG hope for the german bundestag (German Parliament [POL.]) to change the „Transsexuellengesetz“ (TS-law). The german „Bundesrat“ (Federal Council) did make a resolution at 2 June (2017) that the Bundestag should replace the old law with a new and better.
MP Volker Beck (green party) presented a new law and others (DIMR) too. I support the trans-alliance projekt with his modifications of the new law (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz ‒ SelbstBestG)
But know: Please sign the declaration (german-language document)!
Falls jemand englisch sprechende Freunde / Bekannte hat, wäre es schön, wenn man diejenigen auf diese Übersetzung hinweist und einlädt zur Mitzeichnung!